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December Donor Spotlight: Suja Shyam, Luxe Capital


Each month, we are thrilled to highlight the generosity of leaders within our community.

Over the past two years, Suja Shyam and her firm, Luxe Capital, have been major champions and supporters of Bridges to Change. Through their dedication and thoughtful philanthropy, they have helped ensured that no one experiences life’s greatest challenges alone.

Suja shared, “I support Bridges to Change because I want to be part of the solution to helping Portland become a place where everyone can thrive.  I’m so inspired by the work that the organization does to break cycles that relate to incarceration and other nested issues.  I also hope that my ongoing donations to Bridges will inspire others to contribute – every donation is a generous donation – and it’s through the power of collective action that our community will thrive.”

Want to join our incredible donors who support our community? Donate here!

Learn more about Luxe Capital from CEO, Suja Shyam:

Have you ever wondered who owns apartment buildings?  Sometimes it’s groups of individuals just like you and me.

At Luxe, I help investors change their financial trajectory by investing in real estate, such as apartment buildings without the hassles and difficulties of being a landlord. Yes, you can invest passively, while other team members do the heavy lifting of renovating units and managing the property.  Sometimes we invest in affordable housing, and sometimes we invest in workforce housing.  Our goal is always to improve the existing housing stock to meet the needs of tenants, as well as provide a solid investment for investors.

Learn more at www.luxe-cap.com, email Suja at sujata@luxe-cap.com or better yet, set up a direct call with her at calendly.com/Sujata-shyam.